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Facing off
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Facing Off / Graciela Vaserman Samuels

Facing Off  is a kaleidoscope of departures. In a century-long journey, men and women escape from a Europe in flames to the often convulsive but welcoming shores of Argentina. As Gabriela unveils to her daughters the land of her birth, the country becomes a map of thumbtack flags of flesh and blood. Readers see a revolving door of political parades and moments through the innocent eyes of a child, a rebel, and a mature woman.

Facing Off  is a catharsis at each milestone of motherhood, reflected in the responses of Gabriela’s daughters. From Buenos Aires to Jerusalem to Paris and back to Jerusalem, fragile threads link family and tradition. A living willpower guides readers across the desert between generations.

Facing Off was first published in Spanish as Dar la Cara by Metafora (Buenos Aires, 2010) and selected for display on the Argentinean stand at the 2010 Frankfurt Book Fair.

Graciela Vaserman Samuels, born in Argentina, emigrated to Israel and studied political science at the Hebrew University. She holds a PhD in literature from Temple University and served as founding director of Hadassah Medical Relief Association. As a UNESCO official, she spends her time between Paris and Jerusalem. The author and her husband, Shimon Samuels, have three daughters and four grandsons. Vaserman Samuels also wrote the novel Decoding Colors.

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