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SNOWFLAKE RIVER – A Voyage into the Great Spirit
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SNOWFLAKE RIVER – A Voyage into the Great Spirit
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A Voyage into the Great Spirit 

The Great Spirit – the common spirit of all mankind, which contains all its emotions and thoughts and enables their transition from one generation to the next – is in danger. It is bleeding. And the consequences can already be felt: a strange, ominous, body-cooling phenomenon is spreading throughout the world, causing a significant decrease in people’s body temperatures. 

Omer, a sensitive and intelligent boy who suffers from this phenomenon, sets out to investigate it and gets caught up in a worldwide, multi-dimensional adventure. A scientist who has lost his memory reveals to him the spiritglow – the material that connects humanity with its mysterious roots. Obscure characters accompany Omer to the depths of our common memory and thought. They tell him of the all-important snowflakes, and teach him to look from high above into the infinite river of life, for only there, alone and from a distance, will he be able to understand a terrible secret.

Snowflake River is an adventure story, yet at the same time it is an allegory of a world haunted by greed, and of the damage that has been inflicted on its delicate equilibrium. In this highly imaginative, surprising, and poetic story, the author describes the struggle between good and evil, old and new, free will and domination, while highlighting the power of simplicity, innocence, and love. This book is intended for adult and young readers alike.

Ben Ami Eliahu, 46, is married with one daughter. He lives in Israel and is the son of parents of Indian origin. The novel was mostly written in India, in a cabin within the heart of the forest; the creative process involved has made the author, a software designer by training, move to the country and start growing grapes...

310 pages, 14.5X21 cm

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