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LEGACY: The Birth of Modern Turkey
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LEGACY: The Birth of Modern Turkey
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LEGACY: The Birth of Modern Turkey
by Hugo N. Gerstl
Today Turkey stands at the center of the world, the preeminent Middle Eastern power broker. With a teeming economy and the wealthy of the world outbidding one another to buy multimillion-dollar mansions on Istanbul’s Bosphorous, how could it be otherwise? And yet there are increasing signs that beneath the glittering exterior, Turkey is a dormant volcano ready to explode once again, as it has done so many times throughout history.
The never-ending fight to bring freedom of the press and freedom of speech lies at the very core of this monumental tour de force, a gargantuan banquet for devotees of historical fiction. The reader endures the agony of shattering defeats, and ultimately celebrates the overwhelming triumph of the human spirit through four of the most memorable characters in modern literature. Above all, this is a coming-of-age story: the coming of age of modern Turkey. If you do not learn from the lessons of the past, you are doomed to repeat them. This epic tale is as ancient as eternity and as immediate as tomorrow. LEGACY is, quite simply, the most dynamic and rewarding epic saga you'll ever read.
Hugo N. Gerstl, famed American trial lawyer and celebrated author, is uniquely qualified to write about Turkey. He lived there during two of the most turbulent years of its history, fell in love with the land and its people, and has returned time and again. He has written a Turkish cookbook, a Turkish travel book, and eleven novels that have been translated worldwide. He is Dekel’s bestselling and most productive author. Although Gerstl is an American, his LEGACYwas published in Turkey (titled MIRAS), one of the very few novels about/on Turkish History by a foreign author to be accorded such an honor.
A Turkish-language edition was published in 2006 by April, Istanbul.
An expanded English-language eBook edition was published in fall 2013 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.
782 pages, 15 x 22.5cm
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