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The Lazarus Shares – A Wertheim's Return To Berlin
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The Lazarus Shares – A Wertheim´s Return To Berlin
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The Lazarus Shares – A Wertheim's Return To Berlin
T.M. Löwenthal
With the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Germans offer to return unclaimed properties to the survivors and heirs able to provide proof of original ownership. This is the story of those who inherited the challenge of such an offer, those who would build a case to reclaim the assets and risk revisiting the past.
Part exposé and part family saga, The Lazarus Shares is a tale within a tale, the story of emigrant wealthy Wertheims, Jewish Berliners whose present-day heirs face the ironic task of amassing proof of their family’s Berlin credentials. But it is in-between these timelines that the real story is revealed, a brother and sister trying to keep up with their mother, the wild Lili whose mastery of assimilation is exceeded only by her mastery of a vagabond life.
Stretching from Kassel to Jerusalem, Budapest to London, Hollywood to Bogota, the story unravels one man’s stand against the past, Gus Maparae’s legacy to his daughter, Emma, the last of the Wertheims, the last pawn left standing.
The author lives with her family in a small house on the Southern Carmel Mountains in Israel enjoying a view to Phoenician ruins, a magical milieu to her other pursuits as a teacher of Philosophy (Ethics) and local tour guide.
An English-language eBook edition has been scheduled for publication in fall 2017 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA.
360 pages 15 x 22.5 cm.
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