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Dekel publishing House was established in 1975, and within a few years it became one of the leading publishing companies in Israel.

In the 90’s it expanded into the international market and so far has published fiction and non-fiction titles in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Turkish, Korean, Japanese and Chinese, usually in collaboration with overseas publishers.

Having established in 2012 its American imprint, Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Inc. it has published numerous English-language titles in both printed and eBook formats.

In 2015 Dekel established its German imprint, Lindenfels von Pressel Verlag, based in Frankfurt am Main, which publishes fiction and non-fiction titles for the German-language market.

Dekel Publishing Group participates in the major international book shows, such as the FBF in Frankfurt, LBF in London, the Salon du Livre in Paris, The Bologna Children Book Fair, the BEA in the United States, the LIBER in Barcelona/Madrid, and the BIBF in Beijing.

As a dedicated publisher, packager, and rights agency it represents Israeli and international writers, offering both quality and commercial fiction, as well as how to’s and self-help, martial arts & self-defense (including its bestselling Krav Maga series), popular science, music and art, marketing management, political thought, emergency preparedness, language and education.

Contact Details: info@dekelpublishing.com

Dekel  Publishing House P.O. Box 6430  Tel Aviv 6106301 ISRAEL. Tel: +972-(0)3-6044627

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