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A Bear in My bed & A Jackal in My Oven
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A Bear in My bed & A Jackal in My Oven
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A Bear in My Bed & a Jackal in My Oven

Amusing Adventures of an Israeli Wildlife Zoologist 

Avinoam Lourie & Cissy Shapiro


How many can say they’ve had a Syrian bear in their bed? Warmed a jackal in their oven? Been gored by a jealous roe deer? Attacked by a tiger? Had monkeys swing from their chandelier? Or lost a snake on a plane?


Heartwarming, entertaining and educational experiences of Israeli zoologist Avinoam Lourie, with an exotic variety of wild animals, and his family members as well, told with the warmth, humor, wit, and wisdom for which he is well-known by his captivated readers.


Avinoam Lourie is a recipient of the Israeli Presidential Medal of Honor, was selected one of the "Top 100 Important People" in Haifa, and has helped bring several endangered species to Israel.


As someone who has accompanied Avi into the field as he educated new generations of Israelis about their native ecosystems, it’s a joy to share the drama, humor, and insights packed into this riveting collection.", Sneed Collard III, Author and Publisher, Recipient of the Washington Post's- Children's Book Guild Award for Non-Fiction, Missoula, Montana.


Many of our friends had dogs, cats, and other pets, but no one had a father who brought home a tiger, bear, or even a monkey, like we did!”, Dr. Barak Lourie (Avinoam's middle child), Haifa, Israel.


“He taught me that animals are just like people: treat them the same, and treat them well.”, A Student's Summary of Avinoam's message to eighth grade middle school in Wildlife Conservation & Ecology, Green Bay, Wisconsin.

An English-Language edition was published in 2008 by Sephirot press

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